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Nathan DeMetz Personal Training

Our Services

Health and fitness need to be approached holistically. I provide a comprehensive approach focused on the four core aspects of physical fitness: strength, conditioning, skill, and mobility. Empowered by certified nutrition guidance,  ensure your health is thoughtfully set up for long-term success.

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Conditioning is the ability of the body to do work, as well as the second category of fitness I consider for training clients and myself. The more work that the body can do, the more conditioned it is. For example, being able to complete multiple reps of an exercise is an improvement of conditioning, not strength.

In that same line of thought, being able to run a mile is a form of conditioning, whereas improving from running one mile to two is an improvement in conditioning. Any time the body increases the ability to do work, the more conditioned it becomes.

Another example that is more modern in the CrossFit era, is being able to complete workouts such as metcons, circuit training, and anything that falls in line. Being able to complete a 21, 15, 9 crossfit workout is a form of conditioning, the same as being able to circuit machines at the gym for rounds is a form of conditioning.

healthy meal for fitness nutrition plan

Customized Nutrition

Effective fuel to transform your health. Indulging in the pleasures of food is a delightful aspect of life, offering sustenance, comfort, and even a touch of luxury.

The significance of healthy eating goes beyond mere satisfaction; it serves as a powerful motivator, empowering you to achieve energy, goals, and overall well-being. By embracing nutritious meals, you pave the way for positive transformations.

Food holds a pivotal role in our daily lives, fueling our energy, focus, and motivation. Opting for a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins equips our bodies with vital nutrients, ensuring optimal functionality.

fitness stretch for mobility


Mobility is the ability of the joint to move through range of motion. Having mobility is essential to every function you perform through your day, no matter how mundane. For example, if your hip cannot move through range of motion, then you will not be able to walk.

Joints moving through range of motion are primarily a matter of extension and flexion. How each joint engages in flexion and extension varies. The basic idea is that extension leads to an increase in joint angle while flexion leads to an decrease in joint angle. For example, a bend in the elbow is a flexed elbow, while a straight elbow is an extended elbow.

Mobility matters to the other categories in that a lack of it will lead to limited ability to move. Limited ability to move may present as an inability to achieve full stride in a run, short range of motion squats, short range of motion pull-ups, etc.

technical expertise olympic rings


Skill is the ability to perform technical movement. Learning to throw a ball, to squat, to run, to swim, etc is an expression of skill. Becoming better technically at these things is an improvement of skill.

This is not to be confused with increasing weight or reps. Those are improvements in strength and conditioning. Skill is solely focused on the technical aspects, though it goes hand in hand with improvements in the other areas.

Skill is an essential part of improving strength and conditioning, as well as fitness overall. Skill is and should always be the first step. For example, to squat 500 pounds, you have to learn how to squat first. You do not just load weight on a bar, get under it, and inherently know how to squat.

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Strength Training

Strength is a basic ability to apply force. It is also the first category of fitness, of four, that I measure for myself and clients.

One-rep max is, arguably, the greatest representation of true strength. For example, the ability to squat 500 pounds for one rep is the maximum squat strength level for the person who performed the lift.

The argument part lies in other expressions of strength, such as the ability to hold a handstand, complete a muscle-up, or even the ability to complete a pull-up. None of these movements have external load, and in the general perception of one reps maxes, cannot be measured as such.

Both of these groups, each of these movement types, is an expression of strength. In that same line of thought, so are being able to complete a log press, clean and jerk, machine base movement, etc.

Any variations of strength—such as speed-strength, strength-speed, and power—can be bulked under strength

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